Lutz Tree Risk Assessments
What is a tree risk assessment?
A professional tree risk assessment is an evaluation of a tree or many trees by a qualified Lutz tree service technician such as a Certified Arborist.
The Certified Arborist will inspect the trees using the International Society of Arboriculture and American National Standards Institute best practices and guidelines.
During an inspection consideration will be given to things like structure, species, location, soil, surrounding trees and structures, age of the plant, signs of decay and pest infestation.
The arborist will designate a risk rating to the tree based on the probability of failure, and the possible fallout to the surrounding environment, including people and structures.

Proper Tree Trimming
Tree assessments are vital for your tree care, because trees are living organisms, and are continually bombarded through man-made issues and the natural elements in the environment they inhabit.
The urban tree environment, in some respects, can be one of the toughest for a tree to thrive in. There are many man-made variables that are not found in a natural setting. These unnatural factors can take a toll on Lutz trees living in the same habitat.
As Certified Arborists, we are trained to recognize the factors, in the urban environment, that affect your trees. We survey your trees and the surrounding environment in search of tell-tale signs which help explain what is happening with your trees.
At Juan Sanchez Tree Service we have a working knowledge of plant biology, and are continually educating ourselves, when it comes to caring for the trees in the Lutz community.
If you have a tree on your property you can't identify, or a tree that has an unexplained issue, our Lutz Certified Arborists are here to assist you. Contact us for an assessment of your trees.
Call 727-389-2994 or 813-265-3224 and request an assessment of your trees. We will provide a free quote for any work we determine is warranted.
Services We Offer
Tree Trimming
Tree Reduction Pruning
Tree Restoration Pruning
Tree Removal
Deadwood Removal
Stump Grinding
Large Hedge Management
Cabling & Bracing
Cavity Repair
Debris Removal
Root Barriers
Tree Risk Assessments
Cities & Areas We Proudly Serve
Land O Lakes
Wesley Chapel
New Port Richey
Crystal River
Town N Country

Tree Risk Assessment Qualified
Juan Sanchez Tree Service has a TRAQ Qualified arborist on staff.
We can provide you with a written assessment of your trees which will give you the information you need to make an informed decision about the care of your Lutz trees and property.
Professional Tree Services
Serving Pasco, Hillsborough and Pinellas counties for more than 20 years. TRAQ Qualified Certified Arborists on staff.

Services We Offer
Tree Trimming
Tree Removal
Tree Pruning
Tree Risk Assessments
Stump Grinding
Cabling & Bracing
Contact Information
Juan Sanchez Tree Service, LLC
16926 Dalberg Drive
Springhill, Florida 34610
Phone: 727-389-2994